

Webflow tutorial: your complete guide to mastering the creation of websites

Webflow tutorial: your complete guide to mastering the creation of websites

6 minutes

Last update:

August 29, 2024

Welcome to this Webflow tutorial Of our webflow agency in Paris - SYNQRO.

Check out this step-by-step guide to master this platform innovative way to create websites.

Whether you have the ambition to launch your first website as a beginner, or if you are a web professional looking for a more versatile and efficient solution, this Webflow tutorial is designed to help you make the most of the advantages of this platform.

 gif scroller web


Webflow overview

Webflow Is a web design tool which is becoming more and more popular.

It is a platform All in one that allows you to design, build, and launch interactive and responsive websites without the need for prior coding knowledge. 💻


By using Webflow, you have bouts To functionalities visual design, interactions and animations, e-commerce features, and more.


The greatness of Webflow lies in its flexibility.

You can start from scratch and build an entirely unique page, or you can choose from a variety of pre-designed templates to get you started.

Webflow is designed to make the website creation process as easy as possible, without sacrificing the level of customization and control you would expect from a modern website editor.


Why use Webflow?

The simple answer to why you should use Webflow is its ease of use. 👍🏻

Whether you're a graphic designer looking to expand your portfolio, a business owner looking to create an online presence, or simply someone who loves designing and building websites, Webflow gives you the tools you need to create something amazing. 😮


Beyond her usability, Webflow offers a a series of tools and resources to help you succeed.

This includes a vast library of tutorials and guides, as well as an active community of users ready to help you and share their experiences.


Also, unlike other platforms, Webflow gives you a complete control over your website, which means you can customize every aspect of your site to accurately reflect your vision.

Webflow is undeniably a solid choice for any web design enthusiast or anyone who wants to create a professional website easily and effectively. 📲



Registration on the Webflow Platform

According to our Webflow tutorial, The first step To start using Webflow is up to you register on the platform Webflow.

Here's how to do it:


1 ️ ※ Go to the official Webflow website.


interface webflow

2 ️ 463 Click on the “Get Started” button, located at the top right of the page.


bouton get started

3 ️ 803 You will have the option of registering with a Google account or you can fill out the registration form with your name, email address, and password.

Inscription Webflow

4 ️ ※ Click on the “Sign Up” button to complete your registration.


And that's it! You are now registered.


In the next steps of this Webflow tutorial, we will guide you on how to create your first project. In the meantime, feel free to explore the Webflow platform and get familiar with its interface.


Your journey to becoming a Webflow Pro starts here. 🚀


After creating your account, the next step is choosing the package that best fits your needs. Webflow offers several options: 🤑


1. Gratuit : Perfect for beginners who want to explore the basic features of Webflow.


2. Lite : At a cost of $16/month billed annually, ideal for freelancers and small businesses offering more project volumes and storage resources.


3. Pro : At $35/month, billed annually, more suitable for professional designers with premium access to all features.


4. Packages for teams ranging from $35/month to $140/month depending on the number of members.


These packages are all detailed in the Webflow pricing section to help you find the one that best fits your expectations.


In our Webflow tutorial, after the registration stage, we will move on to creating your first project.

First Step: creating a new project

Launch of the Webflow Tutorial: how to create a new project?

Nothing could be easier! 😁

The initial step of our Webflow tutorial is to create a new project.


Once your account is created, all you need to do is Click On the button “New Project” accessible from the dashboard.

Then enter the name of your project in the reserved area and click “Create Project”.


You have just created your first project on Webflow!


Exploring the available models

After having initiated your project, a wide universe is available to you: that of available models.


In this Webflow tutorial, we invite you to explore this catalog of examples predesigned for better visualize The potentials offered by Webflow.


Whether you want a showcase site, a blog, an online store, or a portfolio, chances are you'll find a template that fits your needs. 🤷🏻 ‍ ♀️


Remember, these templates are fully customizable, so even if you can't find one that 100% meets your expectations, don't worry. You can always change it to your liking. 👨 ‍ 💻


Understanding the Webflow Interface

In this Webflow tutorial, we will first explore the user interface, which is Webflow's main workspace.


LThe interface is intuitively designed to facilitate creation of websites without technical coding knowledge. It mainly consists of three parts: the toolbar at the top, the style panel on the right side, and the element panel on the left side.


La toolbar Is where we find the main settings and configuration tools of your project. It contains options for changing the way your site is displayed (desktop, tablets, mobile phones), managing your grid elements, and viewing other parameters such as margins, padding, and alignment.


The style panel, located on the right side of the screen, is the place where you can customize the details of each item you added to your site. This is where you can change the background color, text size, spacing, typography, and more, depending on the element you've selected.


The element panel, located on the left hand side, is where you You can choose from a wide range of elements to add to your site. The elements included are text blocks, images, buttons, videos, forms, among others. A simple drag and drop allows you to add these elements to your site.


This Webflow tutorial guides you through this ui in a practical and simplified way, making your website creation experience smoother and more enjoyable.


As you become more familiar with these tools, you will gain confidence in your abilities to create a professional and engaging website with Webflow.

Exemple création site sur Webflow

How to Add and Position Items on Your Page

Building a site on Webflow is similar to assembling blocks: you add, align, and adjust elements to get the result you want. This Webflow tutorial will guide you through adding and positioning elements on your page.


Available item types

Webflow offers a variety of elements For you help unto Realize every idea that comes to mind.

These items are located under the “Add” panel and are classified into various categories:

- Layout elements : These are the basic structural elements of your page, such as div blocks, sections, and containers.
- Typography elements : these elements include titles, paragraphs, and text links.
- Media elements : these elements are intended for the inclusion of media, such as images, videos, and icons.
- Form elements : These elements allow you to add various types of form fields to your site.


Types d'éléments disponibles


Mode of action to move items

Once you have chosen an item, you can drag to a specific position on your page. Here is a step-by-step guide to our Webflow tutorial on how to do it:


1. Click on the item you want to add in the “Add” panel.
2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the item onto your page.
3. Release the mouse button to drop the item to the desired location.


Additionally, you can use the style panel to precisely control the positioning of an element.

Using positioning options, you can determine how an item behaves in relation to other items, within its parent, or on the page in general.


This Webflow tutorial is designed to get you started with adding and positioning items on your web page. Remember, the only limit is your imagination.

So start experimenting and have fun in the process! 🙆


Stylize your elements for a unique design

After positioning your elements on your page, the next step of this Webflow tutorial shows you how bring a unique stylistic touch to your site. 🤩

It is here that the style panel come into play.


Style Panel Guide

Located on the right side of the Webflow interface, the style panel contains a multitude of options to customize each element added to your page.


When you click on an item, the style panel shows options that vary depending on the type of item selected.

For example, for a text element, you can change the font style, size, color, line spacing, and many other settings. For an image, you can adjust dimensions, add borders, apply filters, and more.

Options for Customizing Elements

In this Webflow tutorial, we will focus on the incredible potential offered by possibilities for customizing Webflow.

In addition to individual style options, Webflow also offers interactions and animations. You can animate virtually any element — a button, a text block, an image — so that it performs a certain action when hovered over, clicked, or when the page loads.


Finally, Webflow offers Layout options To manage the spacing and alignment of your elements for a perfect look on any device.


This includes managing margins, padding, and the position of items.

The level of customization offered by Webflow allows you to bring any design vision to life, from the simplest to the most complex. Thanks to this innovative tool, website design has never been easier and more accessible.


Feel free to experiment with the various style options when creating your site, this will add richness and uniqueness to your design.


Create a multi-page site with Webflow

A key element of a professional site, whether it's a blog, portfolio, or online store, is its multi-page structure.


So in this Webflow tutorial, we are going to show you How do I add more pages to your site.

Creating Additional Pages

Go to the Webflow dashboard and select the site you are working on.

On the left side of the screen, you'll see an option called “Pages”. Click on it.

To create a new page, click on the button “+ New Page”. 

Webflow will ask you to give a name to your new page. Try to name your pages in a descriptive way, for example, “Blog,” “About,” or “Contact.”


It's important to note that every new page you create will be blank unless you choose to duplicate an existing page. This means that you will need to add and style elements on each new page as we learned earlier in this Webflow tutorial.

Add a Navigation Bar

Now that you have multiple pages, it is essential to add A navigation bar to allow your visitors to easily navigate between them.

Go back to the “” panelElements“and search”Navbar“. Drag and drop this item to the top of your page.

The default navigation bar includes a logo link and a list of navigation links that you can customize.

Click on each navigation link and change the “Link Setting” to connect them to your various pages.

Remember, if you've changed the style of your navigation bar on one page, you can copy and paste the stylized navigation bar onto your other pages to maintain a consistent appearance.


And that's it! With these simple steps that we explored in this Webflow tutorial, you can now build a functional and navigable multi-page site.


Ajouter des élements

Finalizing and Publishing Your Website

After spending time building and styling your digital child in this Webflow tutorial, the final stage of building your website is undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable: previewing and publishing.

Preview Your Site

Webflow offers an option of powerful previewallowing you to see exactly what your site will look like before it's published. It's crucial to use it to make sure everything works the way you want it to. This stage of the Webflow tutorial aims as much to check the design as the navigation features.


To access this option, simply locate theeye icon in the top right corner of your Webflow dashboard. By clicking on it, your site will open in a new window, and you can navigate as if you were a visitor.

Be sure to check how your site looks and works on all devices - Webflow allows for this cross-platform check. The design should be as impressive on mobile and tablet as it is on desktop.

Publishing Your Site

Once you're happy with how everything looks in the preview, publishing is the next step in this Webflow tutorial. To do this, go back to the Webflow interface and press the button “Publish” located in the upper right corner.


Webflow will then give you the possibility to publish on a Webflow subdomain free or on a personalized domain name.

If you want to use a custom domain, you must first add it and configure the DNS settings before you can select it here.


Very well done! Your site is now live for the whole world to see. Note that you can make changes to your website at any time by simply going back to your Webflow editor, making changes, and clicking “Publish” again.


As you become more familiar with this Webflow tutorial, you will be in a position to create increasingly sophisticated and impressive websites. Keep practicing and experimenting, and most importantly, have fun creating with Webflow.

An intuitive CMS to create your professional website

Webflow which is the ideal tool for creating your own professional website.

This intuitive CMS allows you to manage your content in the simplest and most efficient way possible. Not only that, but it also offers the option of hosting your website, eliminating the need for an external host.

Whether it's Jimdo, Prestashop, Drupal, or Weebly, Webflow surpasses these platforms thanks to its simplicity and fluidity. You can create your free website with disconcerting ease. In addition, it offers a wide range of templates to customize, you can do almost anything.

Unlike Wordpress, which requires the use of extensions for certain functionalities, Webflow provides you with a wide range of functionalities integrated from the start. You have full control over your site's HTML and CSS, so you can fine-tune your brand image as you see fit.

The Webflow site editor is perfect for non-developers looking to create their own sites. “How to create a site” will no longer be a question for you, with Webflow the creation of websites becomes child's play. In addition, your site will be the best friend of search engines like Google, optimizing your SEO for you.

Contact us

Webflow offers an exceptional platform for designing websites without code, opening up endless possibilities for creativity and efficiency.

However, we understand that creating a website, even with tools as advanced as Webflow, can be a challenge for many businesses and individuals.


That is why, at Synqro, we are here to help you realize your ideas and bring your vision to life using Webflow or other innovative solutions. Our experienced team of web designers and developers is ready to work with you to create a website that will not only impress your audience but also meet your specific goals.

Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your website creation project.


We are here to guide you every step of this exciting journey towards creating your exceptional online presence. 🌐

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