

Webflow definition: What is it and why should you use it?

Webflow definition: What is it and why should you use it?

5 min.

Last update:

September 26, 2024

Webflow definition : Launched in 2013, Webflow is a no-code/low-code platform dedicated to the creation and website development, offering its users the possibility of designing tailor-made sites.

Thanks to a intuitive graphical interface, Webflow allows users to devising and personalize their sites without need to coding skills.

The platform also integrates a content management system (CMS) that simplifies the management and updating of content independently and efficiently.

Our Webflow agency offers advanced functionalities such as the creation of tailor-made showcase sites, e-commerce sites, form management, as well as code customization options.

It is a complete solution for creating and managing websites with ease and flexibility.

Creating a website nowadays is no longer limited to the complex use of endless lines of code or to advanced technical skills.

Thanks to innovative platforms such as Webflow, this task is becoming accessible to everyone, from design professionals to novices. But what exactly is Webflow?

In this article, we'll explore its benefits, features, and how it revolutionized the way websites are designed and developed.

Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to create your online presence or a designer looking for a more flexible tool, you will discover why Webflow could well become your new ally.

What is Webflow and how do I use it?

Webflow is often described as a “website builder,” but that description doesn't really do it justice. At first glance, it may seem like a simple alternative to platforms like WordPress or Wix, but in reality, Webflow goes far beyond that. It is a visual website design tool that allows users to design, build and host websites without having to write a single line of code.

The difference between Webflow and other creation platforms

Unlike other tools on the market, Webflow doesn't just offer you predefined templates to customize. In fact, it allows you to build your site from A to Z, with a total visual flexibility.

You can control every pixel and every element on your site, while generating clean code in the background. For designers, it's a boon: creative freedom is complete without the constraints of limited WYSIWYG editors.

Another advantage of Webflow, is that it combines the power of a CMS (content management system) like WordPress with an advanced visual editor. This means you can easily manage your content while still having total control over how your site looks.


Webflow: How does it work?

Registration and first steps on Webflow

To start using Webflow, the first step is to register. As with any platform, you will be asked to provide an email address, create a password, and a username. What sets Webflow apart is its small initial questionnaire that asks for details about your sector of activity, your level of expertise in web development, and your expectations concerning the platform. This allows Webflow to better understand your needs and personalize your experience.

Once registered, you can choose between a free subscription or for a fee. For beginners as well as more experienced users, it is advisable to start with the free plan. The latter allows you to become familiar with the tool and to decide, without pressure, whether an investment in the paid version is justified.

Website creation with Webflow

You are a novice user

The great strength of Webflow, is to offer an extremely complete platform while remaining accessible to beginners.

The interface is simple and intuitive, and you can rely on predefined templates adapted to different types of websites (minimalist design, dark, colorful, etc.). These templates make it easy to create, even without prior technical experience.

For those who want to go further, Webflow offers an essential resource: the Webflow University.

This section is full of video tutorials and free articles covering all aspects of web design, including e-commerce, animations, and font management. The emphasis is on easy and gradual learning, so that everyone can follow at their own pace.

You are a confirmed user
If you are a more experienced user, Webflow is a real playground for website builders. Unlike other simplified tools, Webflow doesn't just offer you basic options like bolding or italicizing. You have a total control on the appearance and structure of your site, with almost infinite customization.

The visual editor of Webflow automates HTML and CSS coding with each change, allowing advanced users to save time while still being able to add custom code if needed. Thanks to its integrated CMS, its efficient hosting system and the possibility of creating online shops, Webflow is also aimed at professionals. Major brands like Dell, Rakuten, or Zendesk are already using it, which proves the power of the tool.

The strengths of Webflow

Ease of use : With sound CMS integrated and its intuitive editor, Webflow allows anyone to create and manage a website without the need for development knowledge. No more endless searches for YouTube tutorials, Webflow makes web design accessible.

Full customization : Whether you are a beginner or an expert, Webflow offers you a total flexibility. Advanced users can add code to customize the interface, improve the SEO or integrate specific animations, while novices can use visual tools.

Free and paid options : Although the basic use of Webflow is free, there are paid subscriptions for those who want to host their site directly on the platform. It is up to everyone to choose the option that best suits their needs, whether for personal or professional use.

Thanks to these powerful features and its ease of use, Webflow is an essential solution for anyone who wants to create a visually impressive website without having to worry about the technical aspects of development. Whether you are a novice or an expert, Webflow allows you to design, customize and tossing your site with disconcerting simplicity.

Who are the creators of Webflow?

Webflow was founded in the United States, like many significant innovations in the digital field. At the origin of this project, we find Vlad Magdalin, his brother Sergie Magdalin, and Bryant Chou.

The idea of Webflow was born from the need to simplify the creation of websites while maintaining a high level of customization.

After several years of work, Webflow was officially launched in 2013. Since then, the platform has continued to grow, attracting over 3.5 million users around the world, a testament to its popularity and the trust it inspires in those looking to get started creating websites without code.

Key Features of Webflow: What makes it unique

To better understand the Webflow definition, it is useful to look at its functionalities. Here are some of the features that make this platform a tool of choice for website builders.

  • Visual editor : Webflow allows you to design websites in a completely visual way. You can literally “see” what you're creating.
  • Integrated CMS : It offers an integrated content management system, allowing you to add, edit, and manage content without having to dive into code.
  • Responsive design : Each site you create with Webflow is automatically optimized for all devices (computers, tablets, smartphones).
  • Integrated hosting : Webflow also offers web hosting, allowing you to publish your site directly from the interface without the need for a third-party provider.
  • Animation and interactions : You can add complex animations and interactions to your websites to create unique user experiences without touching code.

Why choose Webflow for your next project?

Flexibility for designers and developers

One of the reasons why Webflow is so popular because it allows designers to create highly personalized websites without depending on a developer to write the code. But, unlike tools like Wix or Squarespace, Webflow offers a total freedom in terms of design while generating clean and exportable code.

For developers, it is also an advantageous solution, because Webflow allows you to export all the code of the site. This means that if you need to transfer a project to another platform or integrate it into a more complex project, you have access to the underlying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.

Why choose Webflow?

The answer is simple: Webflow combines power and flexibility in a single tool. Whether you are a designer, a developer, or a marketer looking to create professional websites without the hassle of complex coding, Webflow offers you the best of both worlds.

In addition, it allows you to automate certain tasks thanks to integrations like Zapier and offer advanced SEO features (Natural referencing) for your site to rank well in search engines.

Who uses Webflow?

Webflow is used by a wide range of professionals, ranging from designers and freelancers aux digital agencies and undertakings. Its intuitive interface and advanced features make it a top choice for those looking to create unique websites, without being limited by templates or platform constraints. Here is an overview of typical Webflow users:

Freelance designers : Those looking to offer personalized sites to their customers without getting bogged down in complex coding.

Agencies : They use Webflow to streamline the creation of sites and offer tailor-made solutions quickly.


Entrepreneurs : Those who want a flexible solution to create a professional online presence.

How do I get started with Webflow?

The stages of creation with Webflow

Create a site with Webflow is an intuitive process, although it may seem complex at first due to the multitude of options available. Here's an overview of the main steps to get started:

Registration and choice of a template : Webflow offers a variety of pre-built models for those who want to save time or be inspired by existing designs.

Customizing the design : With Webflow's visual editor, you can adjust every aspect of the design, from colors to fonts, to the spaces between elements.

Configuring pages : Create as many pages as needed and set them up for mobile, tablet, and computer use.

Adding content : Use the built-in CMS to add text, images, videos, and other media content.

Putting online : Once your site is ready, publish it directly via Webflow hosting or export the code to use it on another server.

Is Webflow free?

Webflow pricing options

Webflow offers a free plan that allows anyone to start creating and testing projects. However, if you want to publish a site with your own domain, paid plans are required. Here are the main pricing options:

  • Free plan : Ideal for testing the tool, but limited to two projects.
  • Basic plan : Starting at $12 per month, it's suitable for small sites or personal projects.
  • CMS map : Starting at $16 per month, ideal for blogs or sites that require content management.
  • Business Plan : Starting at $36 per month, for more complex business sites with high traffic needs.

FAQ: All you need to know about Webflow

What differentiates Webflow from other platforms like WordPress?

The big difference between Webflow and other platforms like WordPress lies in the way they approach the creation of websites.

With WordPress, you mainly work with themes and plugins, and you often need to have some coding skills to customize in depth. Webflow, on the other hand, allows you to design a site completely visually while generating clean code in the background.

In addition, Webflow combines visual design with content management, whereas on WordPress, you often have to manage design and content separately. Finally, Webflow hosting is integrated, which means you don't need to look for a third party host.

On our blog article you can discover 2 interesting comparisons to make your choice of the next CMS for your website: Webflow vs Wordpress and Framer vs Webflow.

Is Webflow suitable for beginners or do you need technical skills?

Although Webflow may seem intimidating at first, it is designed to allow creation of websites without requiring prior technical skills. That you want create a website For a storefront or a more complex site, the intuitive interface makes it easy to use for everyone.

In addition, Webflow offers numerous resources, such as tutorials and articles on creation of websites, to guide users step by step. You won't need to master Prestashop, Jimdo, or even drupal To create your site.

However, to take full advantage of advanced features, such as animations or the integration of a CMS, a learning curve is to be expected, especially if you want create a professional website or an online store.

If you have already used platforms like Weebly or Jimdo to create your site, you will be pleasantly surprised by the flexibility of Webflow.

Beginners can thus become familiar with the tool in a reasonable amount of time and, once familiar with its tools, they will discover how powerful Webflow is for Make a site effortlessly.

Why choose Webflow?

The answer is simple: Webflow Offer a freedom of creation unequalled with cutting-edge technological power. Unlike tools like Weebly or Prestashop, which sometimes limit customization to predefined templates, Webflow allows you to create your website from scratch, in complete autonomy, without being restricted by rigid themes or a complex interface.

Whether you are working on a domain name existing or you are starting to create a site brand new, Webflow adapts to your specific needs. The tool combines the simplicity of a visual editor and the power of clean code generated in the background, offering more advanced developers the ability to go even further with advanced customizations.

In conclusion, Webflow is an ideal solution for anyone who wants create a website, whether for a small storefront, a professional website, or even an online store without going through a traditional publisher like drupal or Prestashop.

You can also manage thesite editor with disconcerting ease, while having an almost infinite amount of customization. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, Webflow allows you to Make a site that suits you, with an intuitive interface and powerful features.

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